5 easy steps – how to use our new puppy planner

step-by-step puppy planner

Why use a puppy planner? You just brought your new buddy home. You know it’s going to get hectic. What’s the one thing you are dreaming of, hoping for? Most of us want a well-adapted dog who is friendly with family and neighbours, that understands his daily routine and is fun to be virtually both in the house and the park. Our NEW Puppy Planner helps you succeed this in 5 easy steps.

The planner provides an easy to follow tideway to the things that you need to be working on with your new friend. The day-by-day format, let’s you periodical well-nigh what’s working for you and let’s us provide daily tips, ideas and checklists on the things that you should be focusing on.

Let us show you how to use our Puppy Planner.

You’ll love the way the Puppy Planner is organized

Each day we supply you with ideas and training resources for the five Cadre Skills that you’ll want to work on. The focus on the five Cadre Skills: Proactive Socialization; Games; Teaching Life Skills; House Training; and Preventative Exercises, ensures a good Socialization experience, builds conviction at home and in the park and helps develop a strong yoke with you pup.

There’s a lot of things to learn with a new pup, so to add clarity, we’ve color-coded each of the Topic/Skill, so you can recognize and pick-up all the new information quickly.

essencial training topics
Areas of imporantance – verisimilitude coded for ease of use

Your daily game plan

The planner provides an individual page for the first four weeks without you start working with buddy. We include a daily checklist of things to do to develop each of the Cadre Skills, this will help you alimony your training fresh and fun.

sample of a daily checklist – we alimony things fresh!

Jot lanugo what’s happening

Journaling what’s happening, over the undertow of each day can be invaluable. You’ll see patterns develop that help inform you on which direction to take your training. Both problem behaviors and things are are going right will wilt obvious. Often there’s increasingly than one family member involved and journaling can alimony everyone involved, and on track.

a sample of journalling your puppy’s day.
Sample: Periodical what’s happening with your puppy thoughout the day

Take the daily quiz

You midpoint there’s a test… no, not for you but for the kids! A harassed parent could demonstrate their superior knowledge by getting the answers from the when of the Planner.

sample: a short quiz to test your knowledge

Getting help – our Planner Resource Section

Need help, at the when of the Planner, you’ll find trouble shooting resources for potty training, crate training, gnawing and wintry issues, supplies guarding, (yes it’ll finger an uncounted list) normal problems that you’ll run into as buddy gets used to his new world.

In addition, you’ll moreover find fun games and lots of checklists to help establish those cadre skills and set-up a daily routine that works.

Assistance is unchangingly available

Whether you are looking for answers to potty training, how to walk on leash, or play a fun game with your pup we offer a robust variety of resources. Use the checklists, worksheets, illustrated games at the when of the Puppy Planner or go to our website. There answers are all there. If things are increasingly overwhelming, consider reaching out to Sydney for a consultation or

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find a certified trainer in your local area. Her expertise has helped untaggle and wifely thousands of new puppy people.


Our self-ruling daily training tips go hand-in-hand with the New Puppy Planner. You can subscribe for them here.


One last thing. If you haven’t brought your pup home yet, we included a Pre-Puppy Checklist. It includes an equipment & home set up list. Things like what to take the day you pick up your puppy, and the very first thing you’ll need when you get home. Perfect for getting ready for your big day.

Now you can segregate your planner…


Who are we?

The Puppy Planner was develop by Syd and Peggy from Ultimate Puppy. It encompasses all of Sydney’s 30-years of training, her expertise has helped wifely and untangle thousands of new puppy people. Peggy’s the one overdue the design, the illustrations and the desire to put the Planner into a clear, fun and easy-to-use format. We wish you and all of the family every success … it’s a unconfined experience.

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