Pit Bull Mixed With Rottweiler

Among all the hybrid breeds we have discussed, the Pit Bull Mixed With Rottweiler Mix is most certainly the most fascinating. Called the Pitweiler as well, this hybrid is renowned for its robustness.

Originally regarded to be aggressive, both of the parent breeds are muscular, strong. But as temperament studies have shown, Pitbulls and Rottweilers are really devoted and affectionate dogs. Combining the two produces an active, intelligent, and robust Pitweiler. Definitely they are excellent family dogs!

Families that have the time to train their children and ensure they get enough physical exercise will find them most suited. Experience with big breeds is also ideal for owners as fully grown Pitweilers might weigh up to 100 pounds!

Thanks to their Pittie father, this Pit Bull Mixed With Rottweiler enjoys playing and has an amazing grin. Thanks to their Rottie father, they also possess great will to work.

Let's investigate the past of these canines more closely to learn all there is to know about the Pitweiler!

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What Makes a Pitweiler?

What Makes a Pitweiler

The Pitweiler is stocky and appears frightening, much as its purebred parents; some would even say they are menacing looking! This makes the hybrid a popular choice for home protection or guard dog. And the Pit Bull Mixed With Rottweiler will gladly play the part if taught to accomplish this duty.

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As we indicated, a fully adult Pitweiler may weigh up to 100 pounds. Generally though, they weigh between 60 and 80 pounds. And they might be anything from 18 to 25 inches in height; females are on the lesser side. Generally speaking, a Pitweiler will live between 12 and 15 years, same as their parents' life expectancy.

But we should examine his parents, The Rottweiler and The American Pitbull Terrier, more attentively before we can truly get a sense for this dog.

Rottweilers and Pitbulls: History

Pitbulls' origins in bloodsports and dog fighting have sadly earned them a negative image. Originally developed as bull baiting dogs in Britain, where their robust and stocky body type was preferred, they were Bloodsports grew banned at last, and the British resorted to dog fighting as a new, lucrative activity. Unfortunately, the British took this nasty hobby with them when they migrated to America, and dog fighting soon became a favorite past time among the criminal underground.

Their strength combined with their devotion and need to please their masters has made them outstanding fighters. Still, the Pitbull is among the most devoted and steady dogs in loving households when taught limits. Further information about Pittie history is available in our extensive breed guide.

Pitweiler traits: temperance and qualities

About any hybrid dog, one might find it difficult to predict their behavior. Of course the Pitweiler temperament relies on their parent breeds, but it also relies on which parent each particular puppy most associates with.

Your dog might have more Rottie or Pittie DNA. Fortunately, Pitbulls and Rottweilers are similar enough for most puppies to be absolutely friendly, smart, loving, loyal, and powerful. They could, however, have different appearances.

Rotties and Pitties are both stocky and robust. Pitweilers will thus likewise exhibit similar physical traits, but their faces will either resemble those of a Rottweiler or a Pitbull.

Rotties are usually always black and brown; Pitbulls come in a range of colors; therefore, do Pitweilers! Your hybrid dog may be blue, like the Blue Nose Pitbull, red, black, brown, white, or perhaps brindle coated. You will also not have much to worry about maintenance as both Rottweilers and Pitties have easy-to-manage, short coats!

Thanks in great part to their working origins, both parent breeds are also quite vibrant. Your Pitweiler puppy will therefore be guaranteed of plenty of energy to burn through! You can focus part of this toward training.

As we have said, the Rottweiler Pitbull Mix is quite smart and easy to teach. Make sure you offer multiple weekly positive, incentive driven training sessions. This will keep your Pitweiler eager about picking up fresh abilities!

Keep also in mind the great importance of early socializing. Developing confidence and good limits depends on introducing your Pitweiler puppy to many people, animals, and environments. This will help to reduce any needless hostility.

While some would want their Pitweilers to be security dogs, many do not. Though they are a sociable dog, they also have alertness and occasionally tiredness of strangers. Therefore, make sure your training emphasizes the quality you would most want to highlight.

Pitweilers also fit families that have lots of time to spend with them and that have expertise managing and looking after big dog breeds. If allowed alone for long stretches, your Pitweiler might start bad habits include whining, barking, whimpering, gnawing, digging, and other harmful activities. Unfortunately, this is the reason many big dogs wind up in shelters.

Make sure your Blue Nose Pitbull Rottweiler mix hybrid gets at least one hour of strenuous exercise before you leave them alone to prevent these challenging and disruptive habits. To make him comfortable while you are gone, you might also give him a crate, or den.

If you will be gone for more than a few hours, we advise either sending your Pitweiler to dog daycare or hiring a dog walker. This will help them to get good socializing and prevent a lot of pent-up energy to expend when returning. Rather, you could just curl up at the end of a demanding day with your closest furry buddy!

Taking care of a pitweiler

Taking care of a pitweiler

Pitweilers are ideal for busy households, as we have said - particularly if the family has experience with big dogs and knows their requirements. Unless you ensure they get enough exercise, these dogs are not fit for first-time pet owners or for flats. As soon as you bring your new Pitweiler home, you also should offer organized training and diverse socializing opportunities.

This section of the guide will address nutrition, health issues, training, and everything points in between!

How to feed a hybrid Rottweiler Pitbull?

Pitweilers should eat four small meals per day until they reach their full size; this will happen about one year of age, much as with feeding schedules of other large breed puppies. You can cut their meals to two a day following this turning point. Feeding just one meal a day is best avoided as this raises your Pitweiler's risk of Bloat and Volvulus.

Many big dogs with barrel chests are prone to this sometimes fatal illness.

Basically, Bloat the stomach twists on itself and can lead to lethal problems for dogs. Keeping your Pitweiler's stomach safe will depend on you breaking his dietary needs into at least two meals daily. Obviously, avoiding meal one before exercise also lowers the danger.

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Health Issues of Rottweiler Pit Mix

Although both Pitbulls and Pit Bull Mixed With Rottweiler are very healthy, they have some health problems that may be passed on to their mixed offspring.

Like we just said, all big dogs get bloat and volvulus. The Pitweilers are not an exception; so, use the advice we offered to assist prevent this disease.

An other frequent problem is dysplasia of the hips and elbows. The hallmark of this disorder is aberrant joint development causing lameness and discomfort. If discovered early, fortunately, it may be cured with medication, treatment, or surgery. And your puppy's chance of dysplasia should be low if you are buying with a reputable breeder.

In their elderly age, Rotties and Pits also often suffer with cataracts. Left uncontrolled, it can lead to blindness; most often, surgery is used in treatment.

Naturally, the best approach to ensure your Pitweiler has a long, healthy life is to be proactive from the start. Once puppy is completely grown, keep up with well visits and yearly check-ups. Your Pitweiler need several immunizations and preventive meds to keep in excellent health!

Training and Exercise Needs of a Pitweiler

The Pitbull Rottweiler mix lifespan has very high activity demands and will at least need one hour of exercise every day as we have underlined throughout this guide. Depending on their preferred activities, they will flourish with two hours or more, much like other high energy breeds! Given Pitweilers' easy boredom, it is preferable to present just one or two toys at once.

Actually, maybe your dog would benefit most from staying with a ball and playing the traditional game of fetch! Pitweilers also enjoy to play mental games and puzzles; they are exceptionally bright working dogs. Test this:

Get a muffin tray and arrange a little goodie in three different, random muffin cups.
Top every muffin cup with a tennis ball.
Let your dog move the tennis balls to uncover the hidden goodies.

This exciting bit of nose work will be loved by your Pitweiler as it is intellectually exciting and offers a delicious reward! Most pet stores or internet allow you to also locate commercial puzzles and cognitive games.

Long hikes, hiking, swimming, or running with the family will also appeal to your Pitbull Rottweiler mix illegal! At the end of the day, they are content to curl up on your lap though.

Regarding training, you should follow a positive reward oriented approach using reinforcement instead of punishment. Apart from making your dog afraid, punishing them could aggravate bad habits.

Rather, treat your Pitweiler with little treats, extra stroking, and vocal compliments for good behavior and command compliance. Correct your dog and reward them once they have refocused on something right.

Rottweiler Pitbull Mix Breed Guide Synopsis

Rottweiler Pitbull Mix Breed Guide Synopsis

Having now clarified this hybrid, we hope you will be in a suitable position to choose whether he is suited for you! The Pitweiler excels in a house skilled in handling big dogs since of his vibrant and lively attitude.

Training time and working through brain tickling challenges with you will be his favorites! Then, at the end of the day, cuddling up for loads of love and cosiness! Although Pitbull and Rottweiler mix puppy Mixes are bigger than life, they are really gentle and loving giants, the ideal 100lb lap dog.

Suggested Devices

Searching for the ideal present for that particular pet or pet-lover? Below is a list of suggested items.

Customized Pet narrative book

Make a personalized storybook with your pet at center. Create a very personal experience by designing the appearance of your dog or cat, pen a tribute, and include your name and city.

Phone Cases Inspired by Pet Pop Art

Is your constant mental focus on your fur-born? Customize your phone cover with the likeness of your pet on several backgrounds. Show others your pet and receive plenty of praises on their adorable face!

Socks Designed in Pet Pop Art

Create a fashion statement from your pet. Create a pair of socks inspired by your dog or cat so you may stroll around with their lovely face all about you.