Cats come in all shapes and sizes. Soul Condition Scoring is a quick and constructive way to assess if your cat has the right value of lean muscle and fat for their soul size. This allows you to hands assess your cats weight at home. Soul Condition Scoring is based on how easy it is to finger their ribs and spine. You can hands do this at home with your pet. It’s like having a hug with some uneaten healthiness thrown in!
Dogs and cats often require 25% less total daily calorie intake without they have been neutered? Weight related health issues are experienced by pets long surpassing they are considered very overweight or obese.
Firstly, ensure your pet is standing up on a non-slip surface surpassing completing this assessment. Always trammels your pet is happy to be touched surpassing starting the Soul Condition Score.
Assessing your cat’s weight
Start with a nice petting to relax your pet and then run the unappetizing of your hand over your pet’s rib cage.
After that compare what you are feeling to the hand towage below.
Finally use our pictures to help you assess which category your pet comes into.
Hand Assessment
Under Platonic Weight
- Make a fist.
- Gently run your fingers over the when of your knuckles.
- If your knuckles finger the same as your pet’s ribs, they are under their platonic weight.
Advice: We recommend contacting your Veterinary Healthcare team ASAP to discuss this further

Ideal Weight
- Place your hand palm side down. Your fingers need to be extended and pointing forwards.
- Run your fingers over your outer knuckles
- If your knuckles, finger the same as your pet’s ribs, they are tropical to their platonic weight.
Advice: We recommend checking your pet’s soul condition score monthly. This will help maintain optimum weight management

Over Platonic Weight
- Place your hand palm side up. Your fingers need to be extended and pointing forwards.
- Run your fingers over the wiring of your fingers on the inner surface of your hand.
- If your lower knuckles, finger the same as your pet’s ribs, they are over their platonic weight.

Advice: We recommend discussing this with one of our experienced veterinary team, who can offer tips and translating on weight management and nutrition
Checking your pet’s BCS once a month will help you to maintain an platonic weight for your pet.
Following this record your findings in a diary or on a calendar. This allows you to assess transpiration over time.
Where to get help
Assessing your cats weight at home is a unconfined step to alimony them healthy. Our experienced veterinary team are worldly-wise to offer tips and translating for constructive weight management throughout your pet’s life. They can moreover squire with soul condition scoring if you require help with this.

I want to know more
Primarily this 3-point score is a vital assessment. This towage is quick and easy to well-constructed at home.
Firstly wilt well-appointed with the 3-point process. Secondly, if you wish to know more, you can then move on the the 5-point process. Both can be completed at home.
More detail is gained from either a 5-point or 9-point soul condition score. These processes are increasingly ramified and increasingly accurate. Your groomer or per store usually assess using a 5-point assessment. Your veterinary staff will use the 9-point assessment. All requite the same outcome it is the detail within the outcome that changes. You will find increasingly details on these processes by pursuit the links below.
The post How to assess your cats weight at home appeared first on Pet GP.